Mother in hospital bedding cradling newborn, surrounded by family.


Keeping Care Close to Home with  MNCYN


MNCYN was established in 1979 and over the years has developed strong connections with partner organizations in the Southwest and Erie St. Clair former LHIN (Local Health Information Network) boundaries.


MNCYN has a team of Medical Directors (6) who are experts in the field of obstetrics, neonatology, paediatrics, and paediatric emergency medicine, all of whom work closely with the Executive Director and the Professional Practice Consultants to supply necessary education and consultations to support the region.   This support currently extends to 34 Regional Hospitals, 4 Public Health Units and Community Organizations.


The MNCYN team is also intimately involved with several provincial and federal programs and projects that support care across the maternal-child system. MNCYN’s Medical Directors are active with the Canadian Paediatric Society to support the Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP), Acute Care of At-Risk Newborn (ACoRN) and are also active with the Heart & Stroke Foundation to support Paediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS). MNCYN’s Professional Practice Consultants are heavily involved in disseminating education and training related to several provincial and national programs, including being content experts and lead instructors for NRP, ACoRN, PALS and FHS (Fetal Health Surveillance). Our Executive Director is involved with the FHS Canada Executive Committee for the national roll out and implementation of training for the FHS Program. The MNCYN Team works closely with and are representatives at several tables of Ontario Health West (OHW), the Provincial Council for Maternal-Child Health (PCMCH), Critical Care Services Ontario (CCSO), Canadian Perinatal Partnership Coalition (CPPC), Canadian Paediatric Society, and Translating Emergency Knowledge for Kids (TREKK) to support program initiatives across our region. 

What’s New

Growing the future of midwifery research through Limited Term Chair appointment


Dr. Beth Murray-Davis – a renowned researcher in midwifery – is beginning a new collaboration with London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC) through her appointment as Limited Term Chair in Midwifery Research.


Through the Limited Term Chair, awarded as part of LHSC’s Academic Realignment Initiative Awards and funded by Children’s Health Foundation, Dr. Murray-Davis is leading and mentoring a team of professionals in the Department of Midwifery at LHSC. As an established career researcher, registered midwife and Scientific Director at the McMaster Midwifery Research Centre, Dr. Murray-Davis is uniquely equipped for a position that is a first of its kind in Canada.


Hold the dates for upcoming MNCYN Education


ACoRN Provider Course -May 9, 10, 2024

Registration is limited to 18 participants total (6 teams of 3). The Acute Care of at-Risk Newborns Program (ACoRN) is designed to teach neonatal stabilization, support the multidisciplinary team, and identify and care for babies who become unwell or are at risk of becoming unwell in the first few hours or days after birth.



NRP Provider Course – April 29, 30, 2024

This one-day course is being offered for current NRP providers who meet the eligibility requirements and wish to become an NRP Instructor. This program will provide an overview of the concepts and content in the 8th edition Textbook of Neonatal Resuscitation (2021).

Registration and more information coming soon.

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