COVID-19 in the Third Wave and the Maternal-Neonatal Population: Case Management
The Provincial Council for Maternal and Child Health (PCMCH) is hosting a series of webinars to support Maternal-Neonatal care providers during the third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. The webinars will be led by clinical experts with experience managing COVID-19. Each webinar will focus on specific topics such as care management, vaccine hesitancy, and more. Time will be set aside for questions from participants.
The series will be held on Monday evenings and registration is required. In the event you cannot attend, please check the PCMCH COVID-19 webpage a week after the event for the webinar recording. Please see below for upcoming webinar details:
WEBINAR Information
Webinar Title: COVID-19 in the Third Wave and the Maternal-Neonatal Population: Vaccines
Webinar Objectives:
- To share current knowledge around COVID-19 vaccine-related issues for pregnant and
breastfeeding individuals, such as: immunological benefits to the baby; concerns around
future infertility, breastfeeding and menstrual cycle changes; recommendations about
delaying pregnancy post-vaccination
- To address questions related to maternal-neonatal care during COVID-1
Date: Monday, May 10, 2021
Time: 7:00pm – 8:30pm
- Dr. Tali Bogler (Staff Physician, Dept. of Family & Community Medicine, St. Michael’s
Hospital; Chair, Family Medicine Obstetrics, St. Michael’s Hospital; Co-founder
@PandemicPregnancyGuide ~30K followers)
- Panel of experts in discussion facilitated by Dr. Cynthia Maxwell (Co-Chair of PCMCH
COVID-19 Pregnancy Care Task Force, Maternal Fetal Medicine & Obesity Medicine
Specialist; Medical Lead, Women and Infants Ambulatory Health, Sinai Health) and Dr.
Darine El-Chaâr (Maternal Fetal Medicine physician at TOH, Associate Scientist at OHRI,
and Assistant Professor at the University of Ottawa, Co-Lead of the COPE network).
Audience: Clinicians, educators, managers and administrative leaders involved in maternal-neonatal care
Registration is required. Please register online here.
Future webinar topics and registration will be shared on the PCMCH Webpage, so check back regularly. If you have any questions, please contact
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