Partner Resources

Partner Resources

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Nurse Competency Tools

Maternal Newborn Care (Registered Nurse)

These Competency Indicator Tools were designed by the Maternal Newborn Child and Youth Network in collaboration with representation from the Faculty of Nursing, Western University, London, Ontario and nursing leaders from Level I, II and III hospitals throughout the region. These tools are intended to assist nurse orientees to build confidence in the skills and knowledge necessary for the care of mothers and newborns during the perinatal period. They also offer preceptors and nurse managers a means by which to provide educational support, and constructive feedback while evaluating and monitoring the nurse’s progress in skill development.


Special Care Nursery – Level II (Registered Nurse)


Paediatric Core Competencies (Registered Nurse)

The Core Paediatric Competency Indicator Tool was designed by the Maternal, Newborn, Child and Youth Network (MNCYN) in collaboration with representation of nursing leadership from hospitals throughout the region. It is recognized that RNs caring for ill or injured infants and children must possess the competencies to recognize, assess, communicate and intervene in commonly occurring urgent and emergent situations and to provide emergency care. This tool has been designed to assist learners to build the knowledge and confidence necessary to safely care for paediatric patients within our region. It also offers preceptors and nurse managers a means by which to provide educational support and constructive feedback while evaluating and monitoring a learner’s progress in skill development.  While this tool is most applicable for nurses orientating to practice in the emergency department or inpatient paediatric unit, it may also be of benefit to more experienced nurses who wish to review and refresh skills they frequently perform.


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