Paediatric Tag

When: Wednesday, September 28th 2022, Time: From 0730-0930 Workshop (registration to conference mandatory) Time: From 0845-1700 Conference Where: Four Point by Sheraton – 1150 Wellington Road, London Open to Paediatricians, Family Physicians, Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, Allied Health, Professionals, Paediatric and Family Medicine Residents. 2022-09-28 Paediatric Update Agenda For more information and to register click here.  ...

VIVRE ENSEMBLE May 26 to June 1, 2022 By the end of the conference, delegates will be able to: Integrate concepts of social cohesion and a recognition of the social, cultural, and linguistic plurality of practicing emergency medicine in Canada. Network and collaborate with other emergency physicians from across...

Conference Topics Psychosocial Impact of COVID on Health Care Professional Wellness: Dr. Doris Yuen COVID Vaccination in Paediatric Populations, Keynote: Dr. Michelle Barton-Forbes Paediatric Brain Teasers, 3 Cases: Emergency Medicine, General Paediatric and Dermatology: Dr. Gurinder Sangha, Dr. Sepideh Taheri, Dr. Javed Mohammed Interesting Paediatric...

Drug Induced Skin disease in Children Presented by Dr. Blanca R. Del Pozzo-Magaña ZOOM information: Meeting ID: 99976031466 Passcode: 77566 One tap mobile +16475580588,,99976031466#,,,,,,0#,,77566# Canada Dial by your location         +1 647 558 0588 Canada         +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)         +1 929...