PALS Courses Flyer Important points to remember:  Your PALS certification is valid for 2 years 1-month MAXIMUM will be accepted for your PALS expiry date, after that month you will be required to take the provider course. Heart and Stroke BLS certification is mandatory for all PALS provider...

PALS Courses Flyer Important points to remember:  Your PALS certification is valid for 2 years 1-month MAXIMUM will be accepted for your PALS expiry date, after that month you will be required to take the provider course. Heart and Stroke BLS certification is mandatory for all PALS provider...

PALS Courses Flyer Important points to remember:  Your PALS certification is valid for 2 years 1-month MAXIMUM will be accepted for your PALS expiry date, after that month you will be required to take the provider course. Heart and Stroke BLS certification is mandatory for all PALS provider...

PALS Courses Flyer Important points to remember:  Your PALS certification is valid for 2 years 1-month MAXIMUM will be accepted for your PALS expiry date, after that month you will be required to take the provider course. Heart and Stroke BLS certification is mandatory for all PALS provider...

PALS Courses Flyer Important points to remember:  Your PALS certification is valid for 2 years 1-month MAXIMUM will be accepted for your PALS expiry date, after that month you will be required to take the provider course. Heart and Stroke BLS certification is mandatory for all PALS provider...

Topic: PALS 2020 Guideline update - Dr. J. Tijssen Time: Nov 20, 2020 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) ZOOM Details: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 961 5696 7995 Passcode: 58346 One tap mobile +16475580588,,96156967995# Canada Dial by your location +1 647 558 0588 Canada Meeting ID: 961 5696 7995 Find your local number: Join by...