Pediatric Tag

Paediatric Grand Round lectures take place every Wednesday from 12:00-13:00hrs in the Children's Hospital from September through June. These rounds cover a wide range of basic and clinical science topics relevant to paediatrics. Target Audience Department of Paediatrics and Schulich Medicine faculty, community paediatricians, residents, and students...

Paediatric Grand Round lectures take place every Wednesday from 12:00-13:00hrs in the Children's Hospital from September through June. These rounds cover a wide range of basic and clinical science topics relevant to paediatrics. Target Audience Department of Paediatrics and Schulich Medicine faculty, community paediatricians, residents, and students...

Paediatric Grand Round lectures take place every Wednesday from 12:00-13:00hrs in the Children's Hospital from September through June. These rounds cover a wide range of basic and clinical science topics relevant to paediatrics. Target Audience Department of Paediatrics and Schulich Medicine faculty, community paediatricians, residents, and students...

Paediatric Grand Round lectures take place every Wednesday from 12:00-13:00hrs in the Children's Hospital from September through June. These rounds cover a wide range of basic and clinical science topics relevant to paediatrics. Target Audience Department of Paediatrics and Schulich Medicine faculty, community paediatricians, residents, and students...

VIVRE ENSEMBLE May 26 to June 1, 2022 By the end of the conference, delegates will be able to: Integrate concepts of social cohesion and a recognition of the social, cultural, and linguistic plurality of practicing emergency medicine in Canada. Network and collaborate with other emergency physicians from across...

TBD Objectives: TBD Join the Zoom: Meeting ID: 958 3295 8458 Passcode: 77566 One tap mobile: +16475580588,,95832958458#,,,,*77566# Canada Dial by your location         +1 647 558 0588 Canada         +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)         +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) Meeting ID: 958...