Perinatal rounds Tag

Hospital Perinatal Case Rounds for Norfolk General Hospital in Simcoe.  These rounds will be hosted virtually via Teams and are recommended for physicians, nurses, midwives and allied health workers who offer maternal/newborn care at Norfolk General in Simcoe.  If you have a case that you...

This is a restricted MS Teams continuing professional development learning event that would be of interest to nurses, physicians, midwives and students who practice in the maternal/newborn / perinatal areas at LHSC. See attached fliers for more information. Please contact if you wish to...

This is a private virtual continuing professional development learning event that is restricted to nurses, midwives, physicians and students who practice in the maternal / newborn area at Woodstock Hospital. For more information, see attached flyer. 20210408_MNCYN Perinatal Hospital Case Rounds Agenda_Woodstock...